Microlight Transport services from JHB to Durban

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Werner Breytenbach
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:04 pm

Microlight Transport services from JHB to Durban

Postby Werner Breytenbach » Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:50 am

Good day everyone

I have a service to offer for transporting microlights and wings from JHB to Durban and visa versa
to Micro Crafts Africa(SOLO WINGS) trikes .for service,repairs and new crafts at affordable rates.

If you have patience to fall into my logistic schedual it will cost cheaper than outright pick up and delivery, which would be charged at return.
I would be able to transport 2 wings and 1 craft currently, I would pref be using the owners trailor for his microlight, making pick up and delivery easier.

If interested please contact me on 0823036048

Thank you
Werner Breytenbach

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