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Quentin Ferreira
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Postby Quentin Ferreira » Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:36 am

John Travolta for Durban airshow?

The 54th edition of the Durban Airshow to be held at Virginia Airport in Durban North on July 17 is ‘going to be the best ever’ according to the organisers.

“The show is coming together very nicely indeed and the show is taking a huge step up with the sponsorship from the City of Durban” said Ray de Vries spokesman for the event.

“It will be an action packed one day event with the Hansa Durban Airshow after party with live music going on into the night.

“We expect a capacity crowd of over 15000 people at the aerodrome to watch what will be the best ever airshow yet. There are over 45 acts with a plane taking off or landing every 7 minutes. The crowds will experience exactly why Durban is the warmest place to be this winter.

There will be SAP parachutists, civilian jets, the Silver Falcons, passenger airliners, skydivers and many acts that will take place on the ground involving aircraft.

Organisers have extended a VIP invitation to John Travolta who is in SA at the moment. He is an aviation fanatic. He has flown his own Boeing 707 over to South Africa.

“We would be over the moon to host him and endorse the show”

“We have amongst others; football supporters being freed from a hijacked bus by the crack SAP task force backed up by the SAP airwing, a mirage speeding across the skies, aerobatic team formations and many other favourites that are guaranteed to keep the crowds enthralled” said de Vries.

The show will open with a parade and a tribute to the City’s emergency, safety and security services assisted by major emergency role players .

Gates open at 07h00 for the general public and the show commences at 08h30 each day.

Traffic and parking guidelines for the public will be posted on the website.

Tickets for the show and after party are available online

Hope to see you all there!!!

Quentin Ferreira
Quentin Ferreira

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