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Postby alanmack » Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:42 pm

The 2010 MISASA AGM will be held on Sunday, 12 September at the Heidelberg airfield. The 12th of September is the final day of the SA Champs and the spot landings will be executed during the morning. We propose a bring and braai for lunch with fires etc provided. At 2pm we will hold the AGM while the scores are tallied and at 3pm the national trophies will be awarded.

Please submit items for the agenda to nemo@webo.co.za

The constitution reads as follows:

16. Annual General Meeting:
a) An Annual General Meeting shall be held annually to receive the reports of the Executive Committee and to elect office bearers for the coming year and deal with any other business of relevance to MISASA members in general.
The AGM shall be held on a date within three months prior to the AGM of the Aero Club. Notice of the AGM shall be published in the Microflight Africa Magazine or by way of being posted on the www.misasa.co.za website and or such other electronic bulletin board as MISASA may from time to time maintain or by way of being circulated by eMail or by other means to all paid up members that have provided eMail address to MISASA at least one month prior to the meeting date. An agenda for the meeting shall be published on the MISASA web site prior to the commencement of the AGM and be made available at the AGM.
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Postby alanmack » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:38 am

The Champs are penciled in for Heidelberg. The dates are 7 to 12 September 2010. Final arrangements for Heidelberg are underway. We will post final detail when available. The idea is to drum up support for Sunday the 12th - spot landing day - bring and braai or order a braai from ground crew if you fly in. Watch spot landings in the morning - braai for lunch - AGM then award trophies. Please contact Mervyn Reynolds 073 763 7510 to get the latest update or to offer suggestions / assistance.

1. You can order a braai pack R40 here - or just respond to the post.
2. Sept 7 - Open for registration trikes and LSA at Heidelberg : practice day ( on your own)
3. Sept 8 - Final day for registration trikes and LSA at Heidelberg : coaching day - old hands to coach those new to competitions
4. Sept 9 to 12 Competition
5 12 Sept Spot landings - MISASA bring and braai or order a braai pack at R40 then AGM then award trophies.
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Postby Morph » Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:34 am

The feedback from the individual committee members is now available at http://www.misasa.co.za/?p=1879#more-1879
Greg Perkins

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