Recommended school to tour training

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Recommended school to tour training

Postby andypag » Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:47 pm

Back in 2006 I did my flexiwing mircorlight license when visiting Cape Town. I clocked up about 30 hours. But I haven't flown a microlights since. I'm from the UK, and still have my ZA microlight license somewhere.

I'd like to get trained up and signed off again, and buy a microlight to tour Southern Africa, up as far as Botwana and Namibia. I'd llike to clock up a few local hours in a club environment to get my confidence up before we venture further too. Maybe encourage a few local pilots to join me on the first leg or two?

Can anyone recommend a school/club that can get be back up to speed (in the intervening years I've flown paragliders so comfortable being in the air and with metrology e.t.c.) and can help me find and check out a suitable microlight to take on the tour with my beloved in the jump seat? - This is kind of our honeymoon. She wants to learn to fly too but not too worried about formalising it with a license, just mastering the basics.

I'm thinking Joburg would be the best place to learn as I'm guessing that's where there's the most vibrant scene and so the most choice of schools and second hand microlights. Is that good logic?

Also any advice on the best time of year to do this. I'm looking for a full time intensive training course and don't want to be delayed because of weather while I'm paying for a hotel.

Any schools have guest accommodation we could use?

Any help with rough budgeting planning would also be helpful.

Any local pilots or instructors who have done tours like this before?


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