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DIY Antennas

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:50 pm
by TerenceE
Hi guys

I am in the process of making my own dipole v-antenna for a Vertex 220 radio.

I currently do not have a balun installed and have the core and the shield of the coax directly connected to the two halves of the antenna. I have done some ground tests with it and seems OK, but I just want to make sure. Now I have two questions:

1. Is there anyone out there who has made such antennas or who could perhaps give their thoughts on the importance of a balun on a microlight antenna?

2. What would be the best mounting orientation for the antenna, facing upwards or forward? It would seem the forward facing is the better position for reception, but pictures I see of old V-antennas on trikes and others I see mounted are all upwards.

What do the comms gurus say?
