Weight shift training shortage in Eastern Cape.

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Re: Weight shift training shortage in Eastern Cape.

Postby skybound® » Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:29 pm

Nel, that is my understanding too, in that satelites no longer exist.

However in PE, the school structure is not the challenge. The school (ATO) exists, it just has no instructors. So as we see it, what we believed to be the hard bit is done and dusted. We just need the body now to do the teaching.

We have about 3 to 4 students chomping at the bit to get their bums into the air.

With the likes of the air shows like wings and wheels at Uitenhage, we seem to be creating even more demand with no way to satisfy it :| :idea: :roll:
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Re: Weight shift training shortage in Eastern Cape.

Postby bryan » Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:41 am

There are also those that just moer aan wether training is available or not and fly without the right training or making an effort to get some. Well the results now starting to show down here. Increased activity from the Authorities, more stringent rules and accident rate creeping up. We are no angels but beware when you flout the law shit happens. It came to our airfield recently. Fortunately in the form of a VERY pleasant Inspector who will remain un named but who REALLY helped us fix some problems. He CAN however be different if you are being stupid.
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Re: Weight shift training shortage in Eastern Cape.

Postby lamercyfly » Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:30 am

Hey guys, sorry about all the confusion..

I have not checked this web page for many months:)

Anyway, about renewing your licence, this can be done by any instructor who is current and rated on type. It DOES NOT have to be done through a training school or from an approved airfield. You can do it off your farm road it you want..

Any flight test is NOT INSTRUCTION. Therefor it does NOT have to be done under the auspices of an ATO. Even the instructor may not log the flight as INSTRUCTION. It is recorded as 'examinor' in the remarks column, and entered in the pilots DUAL column and the examinors PIC column.

But, because it is NOT instruction, and NOT done under an ATO, the instructor MAY NOT BE REMUNERATED. So pay him on the sly, no receipts, cash thankyou, and F**&ck the stupid system.

Hope this helps.

About 'satellite' schools, any school owner knows that they can apply, in writing, to RAASA for permission to train a candidate 'away from 'primary base of operations'. All you have to submit is some details. It is not a train smash. Problem is finding an instructor who can afford to be away from his base..

We know there are many flaws in the laws, and I trust that commons sense will guide any judgement requiring legal intervention until such time that we have got them pretty much sorted out. For example, under priviledges of instructors, it does not state that an instructor may perform a renewal flight test, but it was allowed under the previous laws, and it is the status quo, so OBVIOUSLY THE FRIGGIN CARs are written with this glaring omission, and until the wording is corrected, things go on pretty much as before..


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